Tuesday, May 19, 2009

IP Cameras

The Digital Consumer Electronics Expo at the Hilton Hotel last weekend was fun. Lots of booths made the event a feast on the eyes and ears. Some booths were truly dynamic while others stuck to presenting the bare facts. Information was available everywhere, not just in the booths. There were countless Expo only or “while stocks last” offers. And, there were cars (yes, cars with an s) in the ballroom!

Before we explore all the good in greater detail, two quick bad things I feel compelled to mention. First, they only accepted cash at an electronic expo and second, too many booth holders were lazy, letting interested customers walk by without at pitch.

That said, special shout outs go to these outstanding reps:
· Dave Hardy, Sound City
· Mark Miller, Digi View
· Warren Sherman, King Alarm
· Douglas James, Guardsman

Many booths covered similar technologies including:
· Personal surveillance, vehicle tracking and security
· Personal entertainment (home, car, boat audio and theatre systems)
· Gaming
· Gadgets

Most popular, IP cameras. In simple terms, IP cameras are CCTV cameras that use the internet to transmit the images to you. Significant benefits include:
· Cheaper than traditional CCTV camera overall and much more flexible
· Many have digital zoom and progressive scan capabilities
· Easy to record and transfer recordings
· Some can use “power of Ethernet” so no additional power required
· Some have wireless capabilities
· Motion sensors make camera record only when necessary
· Can transmit signals to you anywhere there is an internet connection; that means computer at the office, in your hotel room on vacation and in some cases to your phone

How would you use your IP camera?

Interface with us:
Online: famemornings.blogspot.com
On email: famefm@rjrgroup.com
On SMS: 878-FAME


  1. Tell us how does Carlette do all these things and be so effective at it...eh-how comes?

  2. This is for all those ppl who use a BB and want to dial letters in a phone number eg. 878FAME:

    Dial using numbers or letters
    When you type a letter in a phone number, your BlackBerry® device dials the number that is associated with the letter on a conventional phone
    • To type a number, press a number key.
    • To type a letter, hold the Alt key. Press the letter key.
